If we were in elementary school/ middle school (or whatever school you were in during the 80's), Mables.com would be the coolest girl in class. The girl with the fortune fish (remember these?!), the girl with every my little pony, the girl who dated the guy who carried the big boombox to school... Part of me is grateful the 80's are over... although I have to admit, ( despite the fact I cringed when I saw them) part of me got nostalgic when leg warmers tried (are they still trying?) to make a comeback.... The 80's was tragically fabulous and fabulously tragic. Still, I miss the originality. I miss trends that made room for and celebrated originality. I miss the old Whitney Huston and wonder (to quote a friend) "whatever happened to ABC?"

L: ABC (Another Bad Creation, of course) from artistsdirect.com, M: boombox bag reviewed on Mables.com found @ Loop, R: Whitney