As I sit inside on this beautiful day, carefully going over my opening argument for the mock trial I have tonight, I can't help but think that Day Lab has cool stuff...
unfortunately for me, my day consists of another kind of lab, the one in which I'll sit and carefully mix the formulas of an argument, hopefully coming up with a winning one... Or at least one strong enough to prove my point. As the days get longer, sunnier and warmer and my life/ school/ job get more and more intense and complicated, I realize that the change in season is far less dramatic for me now than it was when I was kid. The first hint of 70 degrees when I was 10 elicited screams of joy and mom opening up the tupperware that contained my summer clothes. Now, it signals a briefer sense of joy as I'm finally able to roll down my windows on the way to work or school, and when I leave I still may catch a glimpse of the sun. I don't mean to be blah such a beautiful day... I'm just frustrated that the only part of it I'll get to experience is through a window on the 4th floor in the library in the midst of artificially cold air fighting the warmth of the day at every turn. I guess that's why I love art and design... it helps keep me grounded and bring me back to a simpler time. Plus it's an excuse to buy toys like Mr. TTT above, when you're in your mid-twenties!