Obessed with OC

I'm obsessed with OC.... no... not the FOX TV show (though I still can't believe Marissa shot Ryans brother!)... I mean the site, OCv2, better known as Obessive Consumption V.2. OCv1 documented 28 months of Kate's (the site owner) purchases. Version Two consists of Kate getting out of credit card debt and documenting the process.She has committed herself to drawing (in pen and ink) all of her credit card statements (six total) every month until they are paid off. I love her creative approach to getting out of debut... and the site really puts consumption and the contagious nature of purchasing and product ownership in perspective.

Who do YOU OWE? How much do you owe? Is owing what you do worth the things that created your debut?

This got me thinking about my purchases of late, which have been next to none because I have been broke ($3500 is not really enough to support yourself for 3 months, trust me). Now that I have a nice little income, I realize how easy it is to fall into the "I need this ____" trap. Despite the fact this site highlights an aspect of consumption, I like to think that the artists I feature are in fact, artists... I enjoy this because it's NOT about massive consumption but about appreciating individual items. Of couse its easy to accumulate tons of clothes, but its more important for me to own a few things that I really love. I just donated 3 gaint trashbags to Boomerangs, a local thrift store, and I must admit it felt great. Spring is a great time to clean (hence "spring cleaning") so if you have the time you may want to weed through the closet.