What a delight!

Life is about the pursuit of many things, but some of the best pursuits are those that result in tiny delights... Taking a left on a street you don't normally walk on and finding an art sale, taking the subway into work early (which obviously isn't going to happen today) and running into an old friend, or in this case, searching the web and stumbling upon this very cool site! With tons of content... and a fabulous review that made even my cynical side smile I can honestly say my experience surfing delight, was in fact, a delight!

Speaking of delights, as summer is officially upon is I thought I'd share a few quick delights to get you through the warm week-ends ahead. As always keep the e-mails coming, and as I acclimate to the working world I will update more often.

Not so long ago a friend, we'll call him "Shelf" asked me if a guy could be an Urban Socialite.
Of course I don't see why not... and the idea amused me. For any guy who randomly stumbled upon this site, or for my guy friends who support me (except T who, as I previously mentioned is a Tuxedo-T-shirt kinda guy) I give you uniform (U) boston. Now, this would require a special trip out to Boston as they don't yet have an on-line store... but I like the store's concept and their "plan", plus the brands it carries seem to suit a wide variety of tastes. If you're in the South End, stop by and check them out!

Another delight, especially if you're looking for a unique summer bag is a susi, specializing in unique handmade goods. From her Asian Blossom designs to the wonderful Guatemala bag each item is hand crafted and perfect for a breezy summer day.
I guess the last delight for today, at least for me, will be getting to work on time.... stay cool (it's supposed to reach 90 degrees here) and more later...