Last fix before 06'

You know I 100% support independent designers, but prompted by an e-mail asking for some holiday outfit advice for the "financially challenged" I thought I'd offer up the good ol' Old Navy suggestion. Sure, the commercials are turn-the-channel obnoxious and the stores are giant warehouses of screaming kids and angry women (have you ever noticed the women who shop there seem really angry? maybe it's just the one I go to... but these women seem like they're on a MISSION when they're shopping: Taking no prisoners, growling when you walk near their rack, etc.). Anyway, if you can get past all of that, you'll find some really great deals. For instance, the complete outfit above is in store now and will cost you less than $70! Perfect for that last minute gift or that cute $12 tank top you will destroy with spilled champagne on New Years (I learned the hard way with a not-so-inexpensive tank top a couple years ago).

Also, don't forget to check out GRIME'S CD below. A quick click and burn and you've got a great gift for the revolutionary in your life!