Now personally I think I look pretty ridiculous in hats, but I've always admired people who can pull them off . . . Especially those who wear them to the point that the hat becomes kind of a trademark or symbol of the person.
Speaking of symbols and marks, I've been going through tons of e-mails lately, all leading me to various sites and designers. One thing that really makes sites stand out is a great logo . . . the better the logo, the more apt people are to click through your goods and appreciate your work. In today's world where image is just as important, if not more important, than actual substance, a logo can really make or break a new company. Plus, its easier to remember where you saw something if you can associate a style with a logo.
So put on your "thinking cap" courtesy of Goorin Brothers and make sure your logo shines.
So put on your "thinking cap" courtesy of Goorin Brothers and make sure your logo shines.