I know, I know, it doesn't pay to be destructive. . . I should embrace the stack of books I have sitting on the floor next to my desk as "giant stacks of useful knowledge." I should applaud the
newly acquired fact-feed that flows through my mind and its accompanying redbull/ starbucks induced buzz. I should not have ideas of destroying the stack of questions that need to answered between now and late July.
Luckily for me I can focus my need to destroy on something much less destructive - DISTRO.Y, a great site with truly unique designer clothing features (among other things) 100% organic cotton shirts that are hand dyed, cut and placed by hand, embroidered & screen printed.
Plus DISTRO.Y's home base is in the Bean- and you know how much I love local designers!

Check out this amazing evening of shopping, cocktails, music and pampering...
Wednesday, June 14
6:00 - 10:00pm
The Puck Building
(b/w Houston & Prince Streets)
If you can't make it NYC, check out Planet LuLu next week (june 15th and 16th) for another one of their famous sample sales!