Face it, shopping for the right bathing suit can be torture. You travel from high end boutique to that giant "swim" table at J.Crew, frantically looking for that rare XL/ S or M/ XXS combination, when all that seems to be left in the cute styles are XXS's and XXL's-- a combo that clearly isn't going to cut it. You end up settling for something reasonably cute from a reasonable store, like Gap or Banana, only it's just a tinsy bit off, leaving you to question whether or not it actually looks good. This is never good because no matter how perfect or imperfect your body is, a little confidence is always the perfect accessory when it comes to wearing that sexy two-piece. What you need to do is step away from the average swimsuit shopping experience and head on over to Lisa Curran Swim. Her line has everything (and I mean everything).... from the skimpy bikini, to the "strategically designed," (she knows what she's doing) to some of the cutest maternity suits I've ever seen! Plus, Evan, who recommended her, vouches for the fact she's a lovely person- and trust me, in light of past swimsuit experiences I can't think of anything better than buying a lovely designer bikini from a lovely designer!
* Also, I'm trying to get all modernized and stuff so I updated my myspace account. I don't really "get" the whole myspace thing... but if you have an account or some cool designs definitely add yourself to my page. I'll check there for content as well!