Mothership: Customization Part II

Mothership gives you free reign to design your ideal custom tee

There are certain terms that make me cringe. "Piggy-backing" is one of them. Every single work/ school related thing I've ever been a part that deals with issues like "sensitivity," "feelings" or "teamwork" has somehow incorporated "piggy-backing" into the vernacular.
"Grrrreat Carla... Thanks for sharing your feelings... if I could just piggy-back on that idea..."
Sooo annoying, right?
So I'm not going to say this post is "piggy-backing" on my last post... but because the thought occurred to me causing me to endure flash backs of "trust" games with fellow co-workers that I clearly didn't trust, you go this little intro. It's only fair.
Anyway- going with this whole "customization" theme (and not piggy-backing), the mothership of customization sites, aptly named Mothership, lets you choose the design, color, cut and style to create your dream tee. How many times have you been in a store and thought "if only this design came in a tank top?" or "if only this came in red..." with mothership you're the boss and have free reign to create your signature style. Plus, for you budding artists out there, mothership encourages your participation- so submit, design, style and enjoy!