Cardboard Robot makes great tee shirts. Not only are the designs aesthetically pleasing, the images are thought provoking, funny, ironic, and the site generally appeals to that side of me that I tend to (but shouldn't) keep hidden from most of the world.
Cardboard Robot is a gang of the craziestBack in college we had a friend... we'll call him "Ron." Ron was great... Imagine a slick looking, suit wearing, track and field running, (and more successful version of) "Brain" from Pinky and the Brain and you've got Ron. The thing about his personality was, it was kind of robotic. He'd get a goal in sight and there was no stopping him. His pupils would widen, he'd block out all sound and GO... he was a robot on a mission... calculating like a machine. At some point I began making fun of this aspect of his personality, and over time any reference to 0001010101 would conjure images of him attempting one of his "plans." So when I read the "about" section of Cardboard Robot I laughed out loud and recalled a host of schemes that are probably best left unmentioned publicly. Anyway, I thank CBR for that trip down memory lane-- and for pushing the tee shirt design envelope.*
misfits, dorks, & geeks you might ever come across.
Led into the golden age of American
ideals and rejecting all that is deemed "safe"
paving the way for an individualistic army of ones...
Existential Swipe

Ever wonder where that urge to shop comes from? I mean beyond: "those are the cutest shoes ever! I have to have them now!" Well, the Visa Diaries has a fascinating theory (along with some funny anecdotes and wonderful artwork) worth checking out. See, every now and then good things do come out of Yale (just kidding!)
From The Visa Diaries:
Recent events have shown me what a prejudice there exists against people who like to shop. There is a snide and insidious view that we are somehow shallow, self-absorbed bimbettes, just because the giftshop is our favourite part of a museum.
I believe that, to the contrary, shopping is a deeply profound personal and cultural action. With so many people investing so much energy and money into it, how could it be as shallow as everyone seem to think? Shopping is the main way girls growing up these days are taught to express ourselves and deal with the ups and downs of life. Want to show the world you’ve grown up? Buy a sophisticated new suit. Just been dumped by your fella? Some sexy new lingerie will put you back on the horse. Moving to a new city? Bonanza houseware shopping opportunity! Handing over the credit card is an act of hope and of self-definition – it is an existential quest, and I mean to prove that.
One of my favorite new blogs, check back frequently for this study in progress!Heart Break Hill

I tend to die around mile 3, which as you can see is a bit problematic due to the fact that its less than 1/2 way through the course.
So I backed up this site on WordPress... I must say I loooove wordpress. Its kind of like the Mac of blog publishing. I may end up transferring the entire site over there-- but I'll keep you updated.
* In case you were curious (I didn't know so I looked it up).... "Pushing the envelope" is an aviation term. It means pushing the aircraft to its limits, especially in the context of flight testing. Envelope has several secondary definitions referring to a collection of curves (mathematical and engineering jargon). So in the world of aeronautical engineering the envelope is the collection of curves that describe the maximum performance of an aircraft. To push the envelope is to take the aircraft to the edge of what it was designed to do and try and take it beyond.