I used to live in Brooklyn... Sunset Park* (Represent!) to be exact. Currently I live in Boston. I'm sure all of you know about the Boston/ NYC rivalry which seems to have its roots in baseball... or other things which I refuse to get into here because not only do I live in Boston, but I was born in here as well. Anyway, luckily for us each city is hosting cool events this spring. On May 12th Stylefixx.com is hosting an event in Boston which will feature: "An evening of fabulous shopping, cocktails, great giveaways and gift bags stuffed with goodies." For a cover charge of just $15 (if you buy today so hurry) or $25 after April 1st, you can drink, socialize and shop the night away with other fabulous area fashionista's (is that word getting old is it just me?).
If NYC is more your style you should definitely check out the Renegade craft fair June 26th and 27th. The Renegade Craft Fair, "an edgy D.I.Y. event showcasing a ton of the coolest crafts from all over the country," is literally packed to capacity with amazing vendors from all over and features everything imaginable... knitting, jewelry, sewn items, paper goods, silk-screened items, woodworking, comics, zines, cosmetics... a little bit of everything! This event is also being held in Chicago later on in the year so be sure to check back with them in the late summer for details. I'll also have friends in the area so I'll be sure to get more details as well!