Fancy Flirt? Afro Love? Global Chic? Downtown Doll? Rock Punk? Technoid Subculture?
Which fashion tribe do you belong to? Fashiontribes is a website with 6 monthly "tribe-specific" magazines with features on everything from Parties and Entertaining to Beauty and Fashion. With the 6-separate-magazine format, Downtown dolls don't have to get bogged down in the Technoid Subculture and Global Chic gals aren't forced to read about the lives Fancy Flirts... unless of course they want to...
The site also has a Fashiontribes Daily Blog the self proposed "daily scoop for the style insider". I tend to stay away from fashion magazines, mostly because they bore me and usually have the same stories every month: Get Beautiful! , Get Great Hair! , Hot Trends for under (amount depends on what magazine you buy)... etc. etc.
Personally, I think the site is fun and there's definitely a lot to see... at the same time I think I failed their multiple choice "fashion personality" quiz because none of the answers to any of the questions applied to me...
So I guess the real question is, do you vibe with tribe? or