Contending with Beauty, a Good*Bunni and Hood Economics

Did any of you watch the Contender Monday night? You know how I'm constantly giving Providence love so I must admit I was sad the "Pride of Providence" didn't win... even sadder was the fact that Cuba Gooding Jr. was there. Somehow it would have been much more enjoyable seeing him get pummeled in the ring... but maybe that's just me...

On a similar (i.e. compelling... yet disturbing at the same time) note did you know buying knockoffs could be helping terrorists? I don't know about you, but I'm gonna hop in my giant SUV, fill 'er up with premium grade gasoline and drive to the real Louis Vuitton right now...
Filling the tank or buying a fake... one is currently in the spotlight for helping terrorists....

On another thought provoking note...have you ever wished you could get beauty down to a science? If so you may want to checkout they claim to have the answers to: why some faces are more beautiful than others, how scientists help unravel the mystery of beauty, and the dangerous relationship between a beautiful body and social power... with great clothes and the secrets to beauty... Urban Socialites just may ready to take over the world... (insert Pinky and the Brain theme here).

In terms of your shopping needs (and I know you have 'em), my new site-of-the-moment (I know there's a cooler French way of saying that) is bunni*goods they have great note cards cute totes and a happy bubbly feel...