With mother's day fast approaching and funds a little tight (ok, that's sort of an understatement)... thank goodness for the Crafty Chica. For a few bucks and a little time, she'll guide you through the process of creating a perfect handmade gift... you know how moms like handmade gifts... right mom?
She has tons of great ideas featuring everything from fashion accessories to garden items and home decor. So go nuts... get out that glue stick and let her be the guide to your inner crafty-self.
Light up the night with soda can lights... hold memories in a scrapbook purse... dominoes anyone?
- Don't forget, Urban Socialites love discounts, so if you run a site be sure to pass them our way! Just drop me a line at urbansocialite@gmail.com or info@urbansocialite.com.
- I'll be back early next week... until then I'll be working on my entertainment law paper which deals with protecting fashion designers' works under our current designer-unfriendly legal regime.