Evil Kitty Purrfection

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I'm writing this for three reasons (1) Because having two 20-page papers, two finals, one mock trial and two oral presentations is evil; (2) Because the "kitty" of Evil Kitty looks a lot like a certain feline I know by the name of "Fig" and (3) because sometimes evil can be very very good. Everyone has a mischievous side, and there's nothing like wearing it on your sleeve, literally...I mean, have you seen a cuter sweatshirt than the Red Evil Kitty Hoody? From club clothes to sporty stuff, Evil Kitty lets you be bad while looking good... one might even go as far as to say purrrfect.

Speaking of evil and at the risk of offending a lot of people, I must say that no kitty will ever be as evil as those little dogs women drag around... From my brief study entitled "A case study of women and their little dogs" I have concluded that the only reason to own a little dog is to have an excuse to shop. Louis Vuitton Dog Carrier $1340, designer doggie rain coat $30... and yes, even designer doggie cologne for $13.95. Not to mention a dog like a chihauhua will set you back about $1300. They need constant attention, shiver when the temperature drops below 40 degrees (hence the need for the extensive wardrobe, I guess), and need you to clean up their, albeit small, doggie dodos. I just don't get it, but maybe that's because I'm a cat person... give me an evil kitty any day!!

I will never, ever, ever, understand how this is not wretched.