Sometimes you just have to go with what moves you: Top pH by Phillia, portable turn table, CaliComm CD availible on iTunes, Olympic Tee, from ( a site that comes HIGHLY recommended from my favorite Revolutionary).
I have a tendency to over think everything. Especially when it comes to other people... the holidays highlight this little idiosyncrasy as I stress over finding the perfect gifts for my family and friends. I scrutinize every detail, think of reasons why the person may not like what I chose, get frustrated, and look some more.
My favorite gift growing up as a young child was totally random. Before Blogging and DSL I was obsessed with computers. My father had one of those old green-screen clunkers and I thought it was the coolest thing in the world. As a result, my mother headed to Radio Shack, found a computer keyboard, and put it under the tree with a number of other presents. For some reason, my young "Inspector Gadget" loving mind thought the computer keyboard (which was attached to nothing) was the coolest present in the world. The neighborhood kids thought it was cool too, and as we played I was often assigned the role of the "bad girl" and would sit contently, plotting my world take over. The screen-less computer tapped into the deep recesses of my imagination and suddenly the world, our back yard, Jennifer’s old horse stables, became my computer screen.
A conversation last night got me thinking about this, and about how we sometimes over think things that we shouldn't and close our minds off to possibilities we should embrace. My mom never "over thought" purchasing a random computer component for her 6-year-old daughter and any limits on its practical function were ignored in favor of my wild imagination.
Think about those you know this holiday and consider what really makes them tick. More than over thought, the best presents come from truly understanding what inspires those you care about.
Think about those you know this holiday and consider what really makes them tick. More than over thought, the best presents come from truly understanding what inspires those you care about.
As I’m sure you know, this is a crazy month! You can look forward to more randomly sporadic posts over the next couple weeks!