Sometimes we have to face our problems directly. It's the hardest way, really. It takes courage, strength, and an unfaltering determination. Take Karin Collins, for instance, a fabulous designer to whom I was recently introduced. In the midst of looking for ways to overcome a 20-year battle with an eating disorder, Karin focused on an aspect of her disease ... the act of eating ... and the spoon as a vehicle. She studied it, contemplated it, and in the processes of her recovery turned something that was once painful into a work of art. Features Karin's unique and inspired designs... all made from... you guessed it.... spoons! If you're looking for a unique, conversation-starting piece, definitely stop by her site and browse her extensive collection of beautiful designs... if you're looking for some inspiration to tackle one of your life-battles (large or small), let Karin serve as a reminder that beautiful things can happen when you find the courage to confront your fears head on.