World According to...

Handbags are a dime a dozen. Truly, most of the time they bore me. The "doctor" bag, the "detective bag"... whatever. I tend to gravitate towards classics (Coach bags sans the "C's" and my UpTown Bella lap-top bag). I get annoyed with trendy bags that are cold before they even get hot (I loved the silver sparkle bag I saw hanging from the shoulder of a RISD student a few years ago and sighed as the look exploded into a lack luster trend). Not so with World According to Jess! From my favorite EKG evening bag (darling, you know I break hearts when I go out), to her clever make-up bags (so that's how you apply lavender eye-liner!) to her eye-catching travel bags (but I thought the military was sending secret messages through rap?), her line will have you giggling in style. Says designer Jess (another Massachusetts native!):
I like to make fun of fashion while emphasizing quality construction and functional design...think ribbons, studs and paint by number! The customer should always expect the unexpected.
Jess states that her philosophy stems from her run-ins with fashionably useless bags that held nothing of importance. What could be more useful (and important) than an instructional make-up bag? Clearly, her designs meet all her philosophical goals!