ATYPYKAL life...

Quand on a que l’amour à offrir en partage…et qu’on ne sait pas encore parler.

So... I had this database of site-subscribers on Constant Contact which was great, but since I reached over 50 subscribers a long time ago, the powers that be want me to pay like $200 to access the list. This would be fine if I was somehow making money from this site, but alas I do it solely for love and the clothes... and really, shouldn't those two things be the motivating factors for everything?
Anyway, unless one of you lovelies has access to a free car or a free Mac (my two pending purchases) I must say goodbye to Constant Contact and all its e-mail-campaigning greatness.
That being said (and I know I've been lazy about this) I still have some wonderful offers I'd like to share with you... offers far too hush-hush to share with the causal site-visitor. I'm still working out the mailing list thing. In the meantime I added a cute little email button in the top right right-hand corner of the page. It will open your email program and send you to 'the list'. I like to think of this process as quaint. Anyway if you're so inclined, just shoot me over an e-mail with your e-mail address, name and whatever else you'd like to tell me. I promise these will be stored in a nice safe place and won't get passed along to anyone or anything. Once I figure out if and how I want to continue with constant contact I'll let you know.
Link du jour: With the exchange rate the way it is, I wouldn't suggest ordering from France unless it was something I felt you just had to have. I've been eyeing
Aytpyk for a while now and every time I stop by they have something new and amazing... I just couldn't hold out any longer!
From their great t-shirts (I love the "be tough" t-shirt and the baby t-shirt above) to their randomly cool items (the money coloring book?) you're sure to find something inspiring at this artistic French destination.