Fashion's Unsung heros

You all know an unsung hero. . . they come in many forms: teacher who tutored you after class, a firefighter, that receptionist who pushed your call through at 5:01pm when you really needed to make contact, etc. If you're like me, sometimes you get too caught up in your own life to really take the time thank these people- or better yet to be one. Even the smallest gesture of good will can make a huge difference in someones life, you know?
As you well know, fashion designers are the unsung heroes of the fashion world... working long hours to bring you unique, handmade designs without the glamour and status of those who have over-marketed themselves into our mainstream culture. They do to for the art and the passion. That's why you should make Unsung one of your daily fashion destinations. Unsung has created a supportive environment for designers to market their creations and hopes to be the fashion headquarters for emerging designer apparel and accessories. They feature clothes from some of my favorites like Mellifluous Couture, Bonnie Heart Clyde (featured in today's Daily Candy), Scott Gibson N.Y.C., and more!