Take out Couture and a Best Bet

Don'tcha hate it? You're too exhausted to make dinner and you have two take out menus in front of you... your (adorable) boyfriend is clamoring for egg rolls and you have a craving for tacos. Despite what your stomach might be telling you... you can have your eggroll and taco too: Introducing Tacos N' Eggrolls, an appropriately named site full of unexpected and inspired designs. As designer's Nina and Anthony explore the worlds of fashion design, jewelry design, and handbag making in a effort to find their "niche" they may be overlooking the fact that they've found it in all three. Check them out for a dose of creative inspiration...

To get your weekly dose of discount design fashion you should stop by New York Magazine's (remember their awesome fashion week coverage?) Best Bets Shopping Event. The event will be held on Tuesday, October 3, 2006 at the Altman Building (135 West 18th Street, between 6th and 7th Avenues) in NYC. The event will carry only products featured in the popular Best Bets section of the magazine, bringing together a unique mix of merchandise at totally reasonable prices. New York magazine editors carefully selected the best designers in fashions, shoes, handbags, beauty and home accessories for the event, with most selling at 20 - 65% off retail. The event also features an on-site cafĂ© from City Bakery, featuring Maury Rubin’s signature hot chocolate and pretzel croissants. Two ticket times for General Admission are $25 in advance and $35 at the door, and shopping is on from 11 AM – 4 PM and 5 – 9 PM.