. . . That's what I said every morning for weeks this summer as I approached my car covered in bird turds. My landlord assigned me spot lucky #13 which was directly under the biggest tree in the neighboring apartment complex. The guys at the car wash knew me well- I was going every three days until I couldn't afford it anymore (studying and not working

kills a budget). . . and once at Stop and Shop an old woman approached me and said, "Oh... its
bird doo... I thought you had put camouflage paint on your car! ha ha ha! you should get that taken care of." Not only was the episode entirely embarrassing, but it led me to wonder what kind of camouflage she thought I was trying to achieve, my car being red and all. . .
Anyway, My favorite grumpy t-shirt designer has come up with the perfect solution. The
Grumpy Girl Auto Bird Turd Emergency Kit. Genius if you ask me.
She also has great t-shirts including the "
organized mess" shirt which I'm fixing to order right now (just because my desk is covered in law journals, Star magazine, and sketches doesn't mean its not organized!!)
And yes I said "fixing to order."
It's early.