Subway Bliss


It's hard to find bliss on the subway.
Scene: to your right a child is crying, to the left a skinny punk-rocker looking boy is rapping along with 50-cent, the music so loud in his earphones you wonder how he's not deaf... In front of you ... a crotch... you don't bother looking up because you have no desire to know who it belongs to... The smells: coffee, cologne , perfume, cigarettes, fried food(?), and garbage. As the subway progresses into the city, the car fills, pushing said crotch, crying child, and strange punk-rocker-rapper kid closer and closer...

It really is hard to find bliss on the subway. Which why when you do, it's your obligation to share it with the world. Finding the right subway book is tricky. It can't be too deep... save Their Eyes Were Watching God and A Short History of Nearly Everything for those quiet afternoons when you can actually sit back and think. Though I enjoy The Metro... the paper size is a bit awkward... The best thing, I think , is a book that borders on trashy but still has some insightful moments. One you can get caught up and lost in, but has a plot loose enough for a 15-minute attention span. Below are some of my favorites... though I have to forewarn you: Prep is full of obnoxious stereotypes, Bergdorf Blondes is full of obnoxious people and I am Charlotte is full of obnoxiously long descriptions... A fine way to tune out your obnoxious ride into the city! (click the books for a link to their full descriptions).