Love You More (more than I already do? it is possible!)

Nikki Brzescinski from Tucson, Arizona creates a "flyer of her day" for Assignment #10

Every so often I take a break from showing you things you can buy, and instead focus on you as a person. You are, after all, equal to so much more than the sum of your purchases (fabulous as they may be). Besides, no matter how big of a "you" fan you are... there are always ways you can focus on Learning To Love You More. (Ok... Awkward transition, but I tried.)
This site is like instant inspiration. Its like being back in 4th grade at those long metal tables full of sticky paint bubbles and peeling crayon. Like running your hands under the cork and metal stools to find a wads of chewed gum, taken out to nibble on the yummy mint paste (I'll never understand why they made the paste taste like mint... not that I ate it or anything....). Learning To Love You More is both a web site and series of non-web presentations comprised of work made by the general public in response to assignments given by artists Miranda July and Harrell Fletcher. For instance:
  • Assignment #45: Reread your favorite book from fifth grade;
  • Assignment #10 (my favorite) Make a flier of your day (see above);
  • Assignment #53, Give advice to yourself in the past ( mental note: it helps to push send after you've dialed the number the for the 20th time... thank goodness for facebook!);
  • Assignment #6, Make a poster of shadows .....etc.
Participants accept an assignment, complete it by following the simple but specific instructions, send in the required report (photograph, text, video, etc), and see their work posted on-line. Like a recipe, meditation practice, or familiar song, the prescriptive nature of these assignments is intended to guide people towards their own experience. Since Learning To Love You More is also an ever-changing series of exhibitions, screenings and radio broadcasts presented all over the world, participant's documentation is also their submission for possible inclusion in one of these presentations. Past presentations have taken place at venues that include The Whitney Museum in NYC, Rhodes College in Memphis, TN, Aurora Picture Show in Houston, TX, The Seattle Art Museum in Seattle, WA, the Wattis Institute in San Francisco CA, among others.
The best art and writing is almost like an assignment; it is so vibrant that you feel compelled to make something in response. Suddenly it is clear what you have to do. For a brief moment it seems wonderfully easy to live and love and create breathtaking things....
Take some time to browse around the assignments (you can do them in any order)... and the fantastic work submitted in response. In the end if you find yourself asking, "why would I do something like this?"... Focus on the more important question is... "why not?"

Speaking of inspiration and art, I came across this great DIY site, SuperNaturale (25th hour anyone?), SuperNaturale is an independent site dedicated to the Do It Yourself culture in all its glorious forms. From simple afternoon home improvement projects to radical lifestyle choices- they've got them all. My favorite project? T-Shirt Underwear (complete with free PDF pattern)... I don't know who in their right mind bought the t-shirt on the left (not a fan of the scary any form) but now all those odd fitting Track and Filed t-shirts will have a new home... (glancing at cat on butt to the left) or not... anyway, you get the idea! Until next week!