Too often I have found myself focused on one or the other: the past or the future.
When I started college I was preoccupied by the past- I felt the strings and standards of my small home town holding me back- and it wasn't until my junior year that I really came into my own. Once I graduated all I could think about was the future. How was I going to make tons of money so I could keep up with my friends. I forgot what made me happy and instead focused on what I believed to be the "big picture" and ultimately got lost.
It wasn't until law school that everything came together. I no longer resented the small-town aspects of my past and learned that they were an invaluable part of my character- I also became less "future" oriented and focused on the present- changing my thought process from "what will make me rich so I can be happy later" to "what makes me happy now."
Working in public interest law is about the last thing in the world I ever thought I'd end up doing. . . but for the first time I think I've found a balance between the past and present that works for me- more than money, and more than dwelling on past issues, I find its most important to be happy today- I think once present happiness is established, there's room for everything else to fall into place.
Another young woman inspired by the past and future is Ms. Laurel Wells. She combines both modern and vintage elements in her truly inspiring collections. Each piece is beautiful. . . and (lucky us!) she has recently opened an on-line shop. I looooove her bow-tie dress and was sad to see her seafoam cotton velvet skirt has already sold out! Guaranteed to set you apart in that Rachel Roy (I just love her style) sort of way, Laurel Wells has something for every occasion and every taste! An Urban Socialite top pick!!