Time to get a new watch! (Ah memories of 3rd grade come flooding back with that one). In all seriousness, if you're in the market for a new watch or if you're looking for a distinctly modern gift,
Nooka is the place to go.
Nooka is the brainchild of artist and designer, Matthew Waldman. in 1997, Matthew had a flash-back to a first grade math class while staring at a large wall clock in a London hotel and was struck by how few options there were for time display. He then sketched his ideas for potential designs on a napkin and brought them back to New York. After working on the designs, he submitted them to his legal team, and indeed, they were unique enough to patent!
6:22 on a Monday morning and I'm already late... how is that even possible? If only I had a Nooka to keep me in check!